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How to Use Vendor/Customer Modifier and/or Combiner

GP2013 introduced both Vendor Combiner and Modifier and Customer Combiner and Modifier which gives Dynamics GP users with admin privileges the ability to combine two vendors or customers or change vendor or customer IDs.

What’s the difference between a combiner tool and a modifier tool?

Combiner tool

Used to combine a customer or vendor ID into another existing customer or vendor ID. The original vendor ID is then deleted. Example: A user entered WORLDENT0001 as the vendor and entered transactions. Another user realizes the vendor ID was already entered in the system as ABCGLOB001. We can now combine the old ID into the new ID so we have only one vendor record. All history is maintained.

Modifier tool

Used to combine a customer or vendor ID into a new customer or vendor ID, while maintaining history and open records. The original vendor ID is then deleted. Example: A user entered WESTENT0001 as the customer ID and posted sales documents. Another user realizes the Vendor ID should have been WESTSIDE0001. The users are able to modify the Vendor ID, removing WESTENT0001 from the system while keeping the history. The user would create the vendor ID WESTSIDE0001 prior to using the modification tool.

To begin, remember:

1. You must be logged in as SA

2. All users should be logged out of the system

3. It is recommended that you make a backup of your database in case you make a mistake or something goes wrong

Customer Combiner Modifier: Microsoft Dynamics GP>>tools>>Utilities >>Sales>Customer Combiner Modifier

Vendor Combiner Modifier: Microsoft Dynamics GP>>tools>>Utilities >>Purchasing >Vendor Combiner Modifier.

Modifying a Customer (the same process is used for Vendor)

1. Select Customer Modifier radio button

2. Source Customer ID: Select the customer that you want to modify

3. Destination Customer ID: Enter the new ID for the customer

4. Click Process

5. You will be prompted by a message confirming that you took a backup. Click continue.

6. A report will be printed showing you the results of the process action. In this example WORLDENT0001 was changed to ABCGLOB001.

7. WOODENT001 no longer exits.

8. ABCGLOB0001 is now the Customer ID and contains all the transactions.

Note: You can change multiple customers at the same time using the import file option.

Merging/Combining Two Customers (use the same process for Vendors)

1. Select Customer Combiner

2. Source Customer ID: Select the customer that you want to merge

*This customer ID will no longer exist after the merge and all the transactions will move to the Destination Customer

3. Destination Customer ID: Select the customer that you want to merge to (This is the customer ID that will remain in the system and will host all transactions from both Customer IDs)

4. Click Process

5. A report will be printed showing you the results of the process action. In this example WESTCENT0001 was combined with WESTSIDE001.

6. WESTCENT001 no longer exists. All transactions have been moved to WESTSIDE001.

7. Everything moved easily and smoothly without the need to void or recreate any transactions.

Rimrock consultants are always available to help you out and answer any questions you may have. Please contact us and let us show you how to save time and take advantage of all the amazing functions Dynamics GP has to offer.


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